It's Not Motivation, It's Dedication.

I heard someone describe how a fitness journey works per-say. They said, "it's not motivation you need to keep going, it's dedication. Motivation will come and go but your dedication will determine if you keep going!" I agree 100% and never thought about it that way! I am always trying to 'motivate' and 'inspire' my clients to want to workout and find that drive to push through, but if they're not truly dedicated to their health and fitness goals, I can only be their cheerleader, I cannot provide the results or a successful workout for them.

The effort you put in is what determines your fitness results; it's not dependent on your personal trainer, your boyfriend/girlfriend who may or may not support your fitness goals, or your friend that happens to be seeing their results faster than you. THIS IS ON YOU. It may sound harsh but it's truth and sometimes we need to hear things we don't necessarily want to, to get us off our ass and back on track. Dedication doesn't just show up either. It's built and shown over time. That's where consistency becomes the secondary support to your successful fitness journey. A strong mindset, dedication, and being consistent with your routines are what will give you the real, long-lasting results that no diet pill, crash fitness course, or 500-calorie diet will do for you.

We are so accustom to putting the blame on anyone or anything else, rather than accepting responsibility for our own bodies and health. I'd love to say I'm the prime candidate to have the perfect excuse to not be fit or healthy.....I had cancer. I have chronic daily pain and nausea swoons that leave me dizzy and with hot flashes that feel like I'm literally melting from the inside out. I could easily use all those reasons as
excuses to not maintain my fitness and eat healthy. If I wanted to be dramatic I could say, "I'm dying and feel like death. Let me do what I want to and eat what I want." But the difference between using those excuses and acknowledging they are hurdles for me to overcome, is what allows me to take back my own power and use those excuses as reasons to motivate me. As I push through each day, creating new habits and routines, it becomes a dedication because I start seeing results, I like what I am feeling and seeing, I feel so proud of myself and confident in my ability to keep going.

If I could give you one sentence of advice in all the hundreds of things I could suggest to help better yourself, I would say:
Make sure your mind is in the right spot and you have a strong support group.

Tell people you're on your fitness journey and would love their support and any advice they may be able to offer to help you stay on track, eat healthier, making time for your own fitness, stretching, and meal-intake. There are so many facets of 'health' that can be worked on, but it all starts with a healthy mindset and the ability to love yourself. You can't help yourself if you hate yourself.

If you're needing support, fitness or food advice, please feel free to reach out to me via email: and I would love to connect with you and see how I can help support your fitness goals!

Thanks for subscribing, following, and leaving your comments! I love to hear your thoughts and advice in having a successful fitness journey.

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Instagram: @elle_inspired


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