Getting Started on Your Fitness Journey

Most of us have all started somewhere with our fitness journey, and if not yet, then you are wanting to get started "someday", am I right?
I'm not going to copy and paste a quote from Google Search Engine or steal it off a friend's IG page; I'm going to tell you the ugly truth and what worked for me and STILL WORKS FOR ME whenever I fall off the workout wagon. Here it is:

No one can give you those results. Nothing, no pill or supplement will create the habits for you. No amount of money spent on a trainer or home gym will buy you muscles. It takes hard work. And if it were easy every single person would be fit, healthy and happy.

Our fit population would have very little medical debt because our nation, and world as a whole, would be healthier and more financially stable. This is NOT too far fetched guys! It's science.
The healthier your internal systems are, the more properly your body functions. The more properly your body functions, the less ailments, aches, and pains you experience. The less pain you experience the more dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins your body produces....and ultimately creating a happier and healthier version for yourself!

Isn't that neat?!?

We can literally change our own future and our bodies, reverse our illnesses, and be happy people with just the right food and exercise!

But with all those things said above (i.e. taking supplements and investing in a trainer or home gym), these are all still GREAT aides in helping you succeed......... But that's just what they are, Aides....they won't do the work for you.
Utilize the help from other fitness and nutritional professionals who are certified and educated. Do your homework on the things you decide to put into your body. This could mean counting your macros, or even trying to understand what macros are. It could also mean just doing some research on the company you are buying from and going over the ingredients in the supplement(s) you bought.
Just be smart and take care of your body!

Another way to stay accountable is to tell people what your goals are and be detailed about what your plans are to achieve those goals.

For example, tell your coworkers you're going to start bringing your own packed lunch instead of going across the street to the deli. You never know, you might help one of your coworkers start their fitness journey by following your lead.
Make a habit of posting on social media your successes, big or little. Also share your failures and connect with those who wanted to quit or did quit, and can share their experiences. Share your sweaty selfies and healthy meals you are proud of that you are making or eating that day! You would be surprised how much support you receive and how you might even help someone else!

Invest in yourself with things that will invest back in you, like having a healthier and fit physique! Fit and healthy people look younger, statistically live longer, and it has been proven year after year that people who are physically fit and active are more successful and make more money.
Of course these ARE NOT reasons to go workout for 3 hours a day in the gym, or starve yourself to look fit. You HAVE TO PUT IN THE WORK, EFFORT, AND TIME. Fortunately, there are people out there who have been through this too and want to help you. Use all the resources you have available to you and get knowledgeable about what you're starting. You CAN do this. Just be prepared the best you can.

To join my FREE online Facebook group or to get started on your fitness journey online or as one of my one-on-one clients, email me at
Check out my Instagram feed full of healthy recipes from a diverse palette and lots of fitness videos and tips every day! Add me @elle_inspired

Check out my official website and store here!


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