Behind Elle Inspired LLC

We all fight our own personal and unique battles that we feel separates us from the majority of the world.
But what do we tend to do when our battles put us in uncomfortable situations where we feel ostracized by everyone......even when we're not? Well, I can only answer for myself, but I know that I shut down. I don't reach out for help. Are you crazy?!?! People would judge me; the things they could say behind my back that I'll never even know about, the potential denial or rejection I could receive, and Lord help me if someone has their own opinion.

All of these reactions and fears I have are not wrong, but they are irrational. Why do I let myself succumb to what others may or may not think or say? And why should I care?
I'm doing what makes me happy, right? But that doesn't seem to be my case; I still let the anonymous faces of people I've never met, control so many aspects of my life and how I feel.

I'd like to say that this lovely trait I acquired was because of the constant care I got from my team of doctors and physicians during my cancer care and treatment, and that I simply just have not fully adjusted to being on my own again, having to make my own decisions and take care of myself, by myself. Like choosing between Captain Crunch and Cinnamon Toast wasn't hard enough already!
But this trait of people-pleasing, I inherited at a young age in my pursuit to try and be friends with all my teachers, friends' parents, and all the other people not even near my age group.
I have carried this alongside me throughout my adolescence and into adulthood, and it has now blossomed into this festering annoyance of feeling I always have to do more, or could have done better when I compare myself to those 10-plus years ahead of me. Here I am telling my clients and all you guys to never compare your Chapter 1 with someone's Chapter 8. So how is it fair or non-hypocritical of me to not be taking my own advice?

So starting my business, Elle Inspired, was really my way of expressing myself and my passions, and newfound interests in health and fitness. Helping others has always been a strong suit of mine, so incorporating two things I love was a no-brainer. I just had to come up with a way to invest in myself, not just financially, but being able to sustain a consistent positive attitude and go-getter spirit, and pursue something I had never seen anyone in my family pursue before, nor had any idea of how to go about it.
And here I am. Almost 1 year into running my own Personal Training and Meal Prep Catering Business, re-finding myself and creating a new sense of pride and accomplishment in the things I do and not necessarily what others think I should do. I am empowering myself and all others, men and women, to work on themselves daily by watching a quick motivational clip, talking to a friend or family member who has your back, and investing time into yourself and your worth.

Chase your dreams and never give up on yourself.


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